Single Expat Pakket
Emigreert u alleen naar Nederland? Dan wilt u uw zaken het liefst snel geregeld hebben, zonder u bezig te hoeven houden met onnodig papierwerk. Op die manier kunt u zich volledig concentreren op het verkennen van uw nieuwe omgeving en het ontmoeten van nieuwe mensen. Dat is precies wat ons single expat pakket biedt!
Zorgeloos wonen en werken in Nederland
Wanneer u als single expat naar Nederland komt, bieden wij een uitgebreid pakket aan diensten om uw emigratie soepel te laten verlopen. Ons single expat pakket omvat alles wat u nodig heeft voor een zorgeloze start in Nederland: van werk- en verblijfsvergunningen tot huisvesting, transport, verzekeringen en abonnementen. Bovendien regelen we uw inschrijving bij de gemeente, uw BSN-nummer en uw Nederlandse bankrekening.
Een volledig overzicht van alle diensten binnen het Single Expat Pakket vindt u onderaan deze pagina.
Maar daar blijft het niet bij! Na een uitgebreide rondleiding in uw nieuwe omgeving zult u precies weten waar u
alles kunt vinden, van de gezelligste winkelstraten tot de hipste bars en restaurants. Voor single expats organiseren wij ook speciale expat-evenementen, die volop mogelijkheden bieden om nieuwe sociale contacten op te doen in Nederland. Op die manier voelt u zich al snel thuis.
Wat ons uniek maakt bij E & I: Expat and Immigration Services the Netherlands, is de persoonlijke begeleiding door Johanna. Zij staat de eerste dagen na uw aankomst 24 uur per dag tot uw beschikking en zal u laten kennismaken met alles wat het mooie Nederland te bieden heeft - een service die u bij geen enkele andere relocation service krijgt. Zo zorgen we voor een zorgeloze aankomst in Nederland, waarin het u als expat aan niets ontbreekt.
Met onze achtergrond, kennis, deskundig team en uitgebreide netwerk zijn wij de aangewezen partij om uw emigratietraject soepel en probleemloos te laten verlopen. Emigreren moet namelijk vooral een fantastisch avontuur zijn. En door u al het regelwerk uit handen te nemen, blijft dat het ook.
Lees vooral meer over ons of vraag een gratis en vrijblijvend kennismakingsgesprek aan. We kijken ernaar uit om
u te helpen bij uw emigratie naar Nederland!
'With the Single Expat Package it's like you never left home'

single package
single package
single package
single package
Airport pickup
We will be waiting for you at Schiphol airport with a sign, you won't miss us! The private driver service will take you to your hotel or new home.
Welcome package
At your new home a package filled with Dutch delicacies will be waiting for you together with a sublime bottle of wine/champagne.
Introduction to the Netherlands
We will provide you with the information by individual needs and introduce you to
the Dutch way of life.
City tour
Our expat consultant will guide you through the city, showing you the best neighborhoods, parks, restaurants and
everything you will need
around your new house.
We will also treat you to an exclusive lunch.
Introducing the Dutch language
To learn the basic of the
Dutch language you need
to experience the Dutch language.
We will provide you with
a Dutch lesson at your new
home to learn you the basics
of the Dutch language.
24/7 service
Personal assistance and guidance by our expat consultant for 2 days, during these 2 days we are at your service 24/7.
Document Management
Before your arrival, and throughout the process,
we take care of everything related to the necessary documentation for you to reside in the Netherlands.
Residence permit
A MVV visa or (highly skilled migrant) residence permit is included in the single package. We will also inform you about the time/place of visa collection and follow-through to permit completion.
Legalisation of certificates
Before your arrival we will arrange the legalisation of
your foreign documents
in the country of origin.
Assistance with legalising
your birth certificate, unmarried statement or marriage certificates is included in the single package.
Translation of documents
We will take care of the document verification and
also take care of the translation of your foreign documents.
Town hall registration
Before your arrival we will provide a list of documents required for registration at the municipality registers to obtain a Social Security Number (BSN).
Our expat consultant will arrange the appointment required for registration in the city hall and accompany you to the town hall. After registering you can enjoy all the benefits your neighborhood provides you.
Expats 30% Tax ruling
We will provide you with information regarding the 30% Tax Ruling/tax free allowance.
Utilities set up
We will take care of your utilities and take care of anything else it may need to be covered.
Opening a bank account
We will help you to open your new Dutch bank account and provide a list of documents
for the procedure for opening a bank account. We will also coordinate opening a bank account and accompany you
to the bank if required.
Health care
Before your arrival we will identify a local doctor and dentist and arrange the
registration for these
services. Arranging the registration of your health insurance is included.
Driving license
Before your arrival we will provide a list of documents required for the procedure to convert your driving license. After you have arrived we will coordinate the conversion of your driving license and assist with the completion of the forms as required.
Vehicle import or car lease services
Optional: Vehicle import or
car lease services. We can coordinate the import, assist with the completion of the required forms (unaccompanied).
We will provide the information about the procedure for various insurances, like third-party liability/content/house/legal aid/health insurance and assist with the registration for the insurances required.
Finding the right moving company
We will take care of of everything related to your relocation and assist with finding the right moving company.
Accomodation management
Searching for a place will be
one of the easier process with us. We have an extensive knowledge of the Dutch housing market and work closely with a number of specialized real estate agents.
Rental housing
We will help you to find a house based on your requirements and needs.
Before your arrival we will provide you with a listing of available houses within the housing allowance.
Accompanied property viewing or online property viewing before arriving to the Netherlands is possible.
Lease negotiations and property inspection at check
in are included in the single package.
Assistence with buying a house
Buying a Dutch property can be a smart investment for expats in the Netherlands.
We can assist and guide you through the whole procedure from finding a house to buying your new home in the Netherlands.
Applications utilities
We will take care of your utilities and arrange the registration of the internet, TV, gas, water and light before you arrive in your new home.
If required we can also assist with finding a housekeeper, driver or interior styling.

single package
€ 3000,-
Personal assistance and
guidence by our expat consultant for 2 days
24/7 at your service

Anna van Hannoverstraat 4
2595 BJ Den Haag
Tel: +31 (0) 70 - 800 2111
Tel: +31 (0) 20 - 261 6434